07 October 2021
child-friendly sofa: how to choose it
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Which sofa is suitable with children? All about our child-friendly sofas!

Buying a sofa when you have a family with (small) children is not that easy. Do you go for a beautiful sofa or do you choose a practical one that is easy to keep clean? Why not have the best of both worlds?! We give you tips for a child-friendly sofa.

What type of sofa do you choose with children?

First of all, you consider – just like when buying any sofa – how many seats you need. Are they young children who already use their own seat, or are the kids a bit older and therefore often bring friends? Then you make clear for what purposes the sofa will be used. Do the children take over the sofa to play games, or do you sit with the entire family to watch TV in the evening? Also, don't forget that you may be looking for a sofa where you can relax once the children are in bed.

In terms of comfort and seating position, it is especially advisable to choose a sofa with firmer padding so that it can withstand a knock.

Which color and fabric are kid-proof?

Parents are quickly inclined to buy a leather couch because it is supposedly easy to keep clean. But soft fabrics and materials are also easy to maintain! And let's be honest; a fabric couch is more comfortable to sit, lie and feel.
We do advise against choosing cotton because you can easily rub the stains in there. But go for velvet/velour because you can easily remove stains with the right treatment. Completely kid-proof.
Also, don't be afraid to go for light fabrics and colors with children. On light colors, you can sometimes see certain stains less than on dark fabrics. Take a look at the melange colors of 4x6SOFA, for example. Due to the combination of light and dark threads (and therefore the different color shades), dirty stains are less noticeable!

What to do about stains on the sofa

We often hear people say that they don't dare buy a nice sofa because they are afraid that it will get permanently dirty or damaged by the children. And what on earth can you do about a stain on the sofa? The first tip we can give you for stains on the sofa: never rub! Whether you have a treated sofa or not. What can you do? Keep dabbing with a dry, clean - preferably white cotton - cloth.

If you have taken out a stain service with us, you will also find the multi-cleaner in the service package. This makes cleaning even easier!

What is the 4x6SOFA stain service?

When purchasing your new corner sofa from 4x6SOFA, there is the option to take out a Protexx stain service for 3 years. This maintenance product helps you keep your new (corner) sofa beautiful for longer. Protexx Textile Portector is a renowned brand in the field of fiber protection of upholstery fabrics. The protector is made on a water basis, provides an invisible protective layer and does not affect the fabric. It protects against many stains such as oil, drinks, (pasta) sauces, chewing gum or even blood.

You will receive the Protexx maintenance package and the service certificate when you purchase the new sofa. Spray the entire sofa or the individual elements immediately upon receipt. Has a stain appeared in the sofa in the months or years afterward? Then treat it yourself with the multicleaner.

If you are unable to remove the stain yourself, you can contact the stain service . They always offer a solution and will come to your home to remove the stain free of charge if necessary.

Tips for a kid-proof interior

In addition to a child-friendly sofa, there are more useful tips that you can apply in an interior with children.

  1. Provide sufficient space for walking.
  2. Leave enough space for the children to play, or create one special 'play corner' for the kids so that toys are not scattered throughout the house.
  3. Sufficient storage space is a must to quickly get the toys out of sight. Think of large bins or practical cabinets with drawers.
  4. Choose flexible furniture that you can easily move.
  5. With separate stools and chairs you can easily create extra seating for friends who come to play.
  6. Ensure optimum safety: no sharp corners at child height.

Request a sample for your new sofa now

Have you already seen a sofa on our website that suits you and the children perfectly, but you are not sure yet what colour it should be? Then order your free colour sample now to see if the fabric - with the right light - suits your room and style.
Then you will of course want to try out the sofa to see if it is comfortable. Come and visit our showroom in Naarden !

We are happy to advise you to ultimately arrive at the optimal bank for your family situation.
Do you live a bit further away or do you not have time to visit the showroom? Then we also offer the option to schedule a FaceTime conversation with 4x6 SOFA. Get answers to your questions!